Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Acquisition Salon
(916) 470-9936
621 Capitol Mall Drive, Suite 120, Studio 24
Sacramento, CA 95814

Prior to my career journey as a Stylist I held different positions in life: student, office worker, barista. I still remember how mood lifted when I got a hair service done (which was not often then because I didn't understand the importance of Hair Care as I do now). And I'm sure you'll sympathize with how low my mood got when I did get a hair service and it wasn't what I was expecting.  Now that I am a dedicated Hair Artist I understand what went wrong with those appointments that left me underwhelmed.  Most importantly, now that I AM a Master Stylist, I understand the importance of a thorough consultation. Listening--truly listening--to my guests and the results it brings.

I believe in having an open conversation. My true intention is to be your hair spirit guide. As silly as that sounds it is often difficult to express what we truly want. Or, sometimes we just need inspiration to happen. Whatever, the situation I always want to show you how wonderful you are. Every person deserves to feel empowered to express their unique style.

I don't see myself as being apart from my guests. I see myself in my guests.  I understand how beautiful, beautiful feels.  More importantly, I understand the value of recognizing and amplifying the beauty that is already there within my guests.

I don't believe in pushing product. I believe in education and taking the time to answer all questions asked honestly and with scientific evidence. I believe in truly understand the scientific applications of the services that I offer. After all, so much of what is done in the salon is based on chemical reactions that are easily explained and if taken the time easily understood.  And the results are so much more beautiful if the chemical reaction is understood in its application and process.

I believe in creating a comfortable environment for my guests and most importantly I believe in guest appreciation which is the cornerstone of my salon practice.   I believe in giving back to my guests through salon services, honest pricing, and time spent on the services. There's also more that I offer for my guests who get color, highlight, texture services and cut services done with me that goes beyond the techniques. I use and sell VEGAN, CRUELTY FREE hair care and styling products and also use a VEGAN and CRUELTY FREE color line that is PPD and PPE free and is also free of other chemicals that are harmful to the environment and to guests. It is very important to me that the way I do business reflects in all areas of my life and this is one major impact that I am proud to produce.

I know salon guests hear pledges of difference and go in and experience the same old application of industry standards. But this is truly a different experience. Schedule a blowout and style today and see why.  Why am I recommending this service? It's a wonderful introduction to Stylist and Guest. As the guest you have a way of seeing the workings of the salon and how you will be treated without dramatically changing your style.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

And now for the music.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Beauty in Non Beauty

These past few months I have been analyzing what I want to bring to the table during my services be it a haircut, color, highlight, etc. I have been pulled into the strange and wonderful world of Wabi-Sabi and I find that I have so much to explore in this design concept.

One of the fundamental concepts that has struck a cord with me is found in the core philosophical principles therein. Beauty can be coaxed out of non beauty. In today's society, especially, there is an overwhelming draw and need to become perfect.  It is the very essence of this need that drives many to a quest that will never be fulfilled as it is an impossibility. Our very natures are always fluid, changeable. Wabi-Sabi embraces imperfection and asks us to find beauty in non beauty.

"Wabi-Sabi suggests that beauty is a dynamic event that occurs between you and something else. Beauty can spontaneously occur at any moment given the proper circumstances, context, or point of view. Beauty is thus an altered state of consciousness, an extraordinary moment of poetry and grace."

-Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers by Leonard Koren

Given that this observation is accepted as truth then we must proceed to understand that all beings, events, and things are beautiful we must simply observe them in context. A hummingbird cannot be compared to a butterfly but both hold their own unique wonder. Much like a photo shopped image cannot be compared to our real existence. Within each context there is a truth and imperfection that must be viewed with honesty.

I challenge our honesty and our perception. Many times I find that our societal point of view on beauty is skewed and does not give enough room for the miracle of beauty to occur.  Too often we shove ourselves and others into these tiny constructs and break ourselves of our acceptance and kindness--the very place where beauty lies.  We damage ourselves because we cannot find the grace to truly see the beauty of ourselves or others.

It is my open discipline to uncover these moments of beauty.  I challenge that imperfection is the only state of beauty. For what is more beautiful than the fleeting moments that glimmer before our eyes and fade away to the next moment. In each breath and gesture there is the truth of an organic being, the substance of creation, that makes us and others beautiful by the very nature of transformation.

Yes, I am a Stylist. Yes, it would be easier for me to stand here and say what society says. But I challenge you to stand and look at your reflection and find your beauty.  Not in a new age hippie dippie sort of way but to gaze upon you as you are without mask, or avoidance, to really see the vast beauty that is within you.  Once you see that glimmer that makes your unique composition beautiful any style or change in appearance will only magnify that self acceptance which is the truest value of beauty.

I have included a short film instead of music to explore Wabi-Sabi as a concept.  I understand that I myself am only beginning in it's practice but I know in my heart that this is why I became a stylist. I am here to show as many people as possible the beauty is transition. Imperfection is beautiful, organic. It is the core self that is beyond the chase after perfection that reflects our beauty. It is our preconceived non beauty that must be examined with a loving heart. It is this path that will uncover our honest form, our value, our self worth will shift to uncover something deeper than a superficial layer. We will uncover our imperfections and finally see that we indeed are whole. Indeed we are beautiful.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Little Things

In our busy lives we often take ourselves for granted most when we rush from place to place in a concerted effort to get things done.

Please don't forget about self care.  Even if it's a hour or so spent in meditation or a good yoga session or just a simple walk in the park.  Self care and giving ourselves the time to relax back into a neutral state will give your brain the much needed break to stop and reset itself.  This improves productivity and is very important for your well being.

Little things like gardening, listening to music, talking with your friends, window shopping, or any other activity that brings you a little sense of peace is wonderful. These activities also help us to get in touch with ourselves and provide a lovely sense of grounding. I've been on a jazz kick lately so I'll leave you with this.  Please take time to unwind today. :)

When I see you for your service let me know what you've been doing to take care of the very important person that is you. <3